Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tag, I'm it

Okay, finally a topic that is not about school! Whew!
Here's a little insight into the lives of
my hubby and me!

How long have you been together?  9 1/2 years (man I'm getting old!)

How long did you date?  Almost a year: dated 6 months, engaged for 5 months.

How old is he?  32, to my 29

Who eats more?  Are you kidding?  He does!

Who said "I love you" first? I think he did, but don't remember.

Who is taller?  Is there anyone who isn't?

Who sings better?  He does, and I try.

Who is smarter?  I'm more book smart, he's more everything else smart.

Who does laundry?  Me, although he used to help...

Who does the dishes?  Usually me, occasionally him.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?  I do (Is that the right side when looking at it from the foot of the bed?  That always confuses me.)  =)

Who pays the bills?  I do

Who mows the lawn?  He does, thank heavens.

Who cooks dinner?  Usually me, but he's a great cook.

Who is more stubborn?  This is a dangerous question, and I'm not sure I even know the answer.

Who kissed who first?  It was a mutual make out.  (Oh, did I just say that out loud?!)

Who asked who out?  I think he asked me.  We hung out with the same group, so we knew each other and hung out a lot.  Not sure about the first "date".

Who proposed?  I did.  He had  a proposal go wrong, and told me I was going to have to propose to him when I was ready.  Then he made it official by "asking me" and giving me the ring.

Who is more sensitive?  Do you mean who cries more?  I do.

Who has more friends?  Not sure...I probably have more people I socialize with.  

Who has more siblings?  He has 5 siblings to my 4.


Call Commotion said...

Ok - You have to come craft with me!! I get so bored when Anson is at work - we can have a little card party because you are the cute card diva! :) Anyway we will play (if I get that machine - which I think I will)

Jessica said...

love the color coordination! and love you~

Marielle said...

Nothing new. I knew all that about your hubby. Although, I will have to get the full details about the engagement thing. I don't remember any of that stuff? I must have been wrapped up in my own miserable life at that point.
