Friday, February 1, 2008

My life in limbo

I feel like I'm destined to live my life in limbo. I've been doing it since October when I submitted my applications to PA school. Then I heard I had an interview in Seattle. I was so excited. I waited to get there. I interviewed well, then I waited to hear. I didn't get in. Then I was on the wait list to interview at the U of U. I interviewed well, and now....

I heard from the U of U today, and I'm on the wait list to get in. I guess it's better than not being accepted, but I was hoping they loved me. I was hoping to just be accepted. BUT, I was on the wait list to interview and that happened, so who knows. So, now I'm going to Boston next Thursday to interview at Northeastern U., and I'll wait to hear from them. In the email, they did say that last year, there were 9 people from the wait list accepted. This year those accepted have until February 14th to accept or decline. However, some were accepted as last as right before classes started in May. If (and that's a big if at this point) I'm accepted elsewhere (like NU) I won't be able to wait until May to hear. Whatever.

I'm starting to feel more than nervous. I'm feeling really stressed about it. I have a short temper lately, get my feelings hurt easily, basically I've probably not been much fun to be around. It's a very trying process to live in limbo for so long. Such is life, I guess.

Sorry about the downer post. Maybe next time I'll have better news!


Karen said...

Hang in there Rachel. Where you are suppose to go, it will come. You are an awesome person so just hang on!

Rach said...

Dang, that stinks. I hate waiting for things! Doesn't it seem like we spend our whole lives waiting for the next thing to happen? Waiting for school to be done, waiting for the right job, waiting for the right house, etc, etc, etc. Maybe we should get some girls together for lunch again. That might help bring the stress level down a little.

Dearma said...

Maybe you are going through all this because you caused my the most grief before you were born. I was in the hospital for 2 months before you were born waiting... yes, just waiting. In those days we did not know the sex of babies before they were born and the nurses kept saying that I should hope you were a girl, because you would have a better change of surviving. So remember, we played the wait game together long ago.. and everything turned out well then.

Jessica said...

smile! because i know that if you don't get accepted it is because God has other things in mind for you. i am positive that you are a strong candidate, and the chances of you not making it into at least one program are zero. i know it. and i love you!