Friday, September 21, 2007

7 random things about me

I have read this on other peoples blogs, but my sister (thanks, Mar) officially tagged me to do one. So, without further adieau:
1. I hate dirty feet. I love to wear sandals, but not anywhere that I know my feet will get dirt on them. And if I feel like my feet are dirty and I'm just sitting somewhere (like in the car) I just keep my toes up so they don't hit my dirty flip-flops. Eewww.
2. I love to read. And I love to read mystery novels. However, mystery novels sometimes scare me. So I'll read a good one, then have to find some sappy love story or other type novel to read in between or I start to get paranoid. Just ask my husband.
3. I love snowmen. And snowflakes. I had a friend whose mom used to collect Santa Clauses and I thought that was so cool. But I have found that without even trying I have started to collect snowmen. It's just everytime I see one I just have to have it! Snowflake jewelry is super cute (especially necklaces, hint, hint), but currently I don't have any.
4. I love small things. Anything miniature is adorable to me. Little tiny dishes, notebooks, pens, stuffed animals, you name it. I used to get teased saying I loved small things because they were just my size. (Jerks)
5. I am still fascinated with little girl things. For example, I see the Barbie movies at the video store and want to rent it because Barbie is so pretty. I sometimes wish I had a little girl so I could get away with stuff like that. My favorite color right now is pink. I love to dress up in pretty clothes and wear cute jewelry and just feel pretty!
6. I am obsessed with maps. Maps of every size and color. I like to learn where places are, names of states and capitols, countries, whatever. is one of my favorite hits on the computer. If I could decorate an entire room with maps as wallpaper, I would. (The new office? What do you think, Babe?)
7. I collect quotes. I don't use them much for anything, but I love to collect them, and have a notebook specially dedicated to great quotes (or funny ones) that I find. One of my all time favorites is by Marianne Williamson (not Nelson Mandela):
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Well, there you all have it. You know a little bit more of the craziness that is Rachel!


Rach said...

Those are some seriously random things! I love that you are obsessed with girly things. That's so funny! And, I love snowmen, too. I have a really cute snowman nativity set. I'll have to show it to you sometime.

Marielle said...

It must be in our blood. I love maps as well. I love to see where things are and how I can get there and what I might see on the way.

Thanks for playing!

Melissa E Photography said...

Ya know, Rach... I was going to leave you a comment but since you already have 2... well.. you probably wont even read mine, right? I mean, it might send you into comment overload or something. ;)

HAHA! I'm a snot, I know. I love the "just my size joke." You're not small, you're travel size!

Anonymous said...

That is crazy! I am the same way about sandals. I love them but I hate dirty feet. Yuck! Unless I'm playing barefoot on grass or something, then I don't mind as much...until it's over and I have to put my dirty feet back in shoes!

Dearma said...

We never would have guessed most of that stuff. Maps? That was out there, but even more so was the Barbie movies. You did not even play with dolls very much. Oh, the things you can learn about your own children.