Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We bought a new house! Well it's not brand new, but it will be new to us. We close on it next week and move in next weekend! I can't believe it's already here...does anyone know how long it takes to box up a house? I'm pretty sure I don't have that much time until moving day comes. Michael is out of town all this week so not much is happening in that area right now....Aaaahhh! We'll keep our same phone numbers, so don't lose those! We're really excited, because our new house will have a playroom! Yeah for toys being all in one room! We are also going to be doing some renovations and I'm excited for all of that! We'll keep you posted as we get closer and things start moving.


Brooke said...

Congrats!!! Where are you moving?? GOOD LUCK with the packing, it's no fun at all. I started out being organized, but then on moving day we still had tons to pack and we were basically throwing things into random boxes. Fun.:) And then there's the kids..... :) But congrats! That's great news. And FAST!

Hansenblog said...

That's exciting Rach! You'll have to put pictures up. I would love to see them. Packing...been there done that, I'm done. Good luck and talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is great! LEt me know what the address is so that I can put it on the family list ok. I think that is great. Get a picture of your new home for us. That would be great for the Clark Album. Congrats!!!!