Friday, September 21, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

Last night at 8:30, Zander and I are in the kitchen getting a snack. We're frying a quesadilla, so he's standing on a chair and I'm standing next to him cooking our treat. Here's a little snippet of our conversation:
Rachel: "Zander, I love you."
Zander: silence.
Rachel: "Zander, I said I love you."
Zander: "I can't say that to you right now."
Rachel: "You know, you can say I love you anytime and anywhere."
Zander: "Now is just not a good time, Mom."

Not a good time? He's only 4! Where do they come up with these things!

Then a little bit later, when I'm rebandaging his 'owie', again he's standing on a chair and I'm standing in front of him putting a bandaid on his hand (where he got a blister from sliding down our rope swing) and he laughs a little laugh then says, "Do you want to get away from me? I just tooted." Then laughs again.
Kids are so stinkin' cute!


Brooke said...

That made me laugh out loud! Those 4 year gotta love them! :)

Dearma said...

Before Dave left for France and we were at your house babysitting, Dave several times asked Zander who's buddy he was? After about the third time, Zander said "Why do you keep asking me that?" Dave said, "Because I will be gone form you for a few weeks and I want you to remember that we are buddies." Zander acted like he could remember so why couldn't Dave. He is so precocious these days.