Friday, November 23, 2007

I love Thanksgiving (and my birthday)

So, I woke up yesterday morning to Zander in bed with me (Michael was already up with Keagan) poking at my face to wake me up. As soon as I opened my eyes, that sweet little voice said, "Happy birthday, Mama!" What a great start to the day. Then Michael and I put the kids in the stroller, the dog on the leash and went jogging. Man was it cold! But it felt great to start the day like that. Then while I got ready Michael went to the store and made the mashed potatoes for dinner. Then we spent the day with the Gonzales family. We got there about 2:00 and stayed until 6:30, eating our way through the day. We would have stayed longer but kids need their beds at a certain time of night. We really enjoyed our day. Then we came home bathed the little ones and I got to read to them and put them to bed. Then my mom and sister called to wish me happy birthday. That was nice.

Today was a great day as well. We decided to face the crowds and do a little shopping. We didn't actually go until 10:00. It's our first year, and it was as much as we could brave! We went to Sears, then the Cingular store to replace the charger for my phone (which I left in Seattle), then we took the boys to lunch and a movie. We saw "The Bee Movie". The kids liked the beginning then both fell asleep. The parents didn't like much of it. It might have been a cute 30 minute episode, and did have some funny lines, but not two hours worth. Then we spent more money at Wal-Mart buying Christmas lights and decorations. Michael's goal is to have a 'Griswald Family Christmas' this year. As we got home he was getting the ladder off the top of the Jeep and stepped down from the car onto the part where the driveway and grass meet and rolled his ankle, and heard it pop. I was inside and Zander comes in and says, "Dad is hurt." He doesn't seem the least big panicked so I wonder if he's kidding. I question him and he says, "He's laying on the grass saying, 'Ow.'" So I run outside only to see Michael being picked up by neighbors and hobbling into the car telling me we're going to the hospital because he can't move his ankle that it is killing him. One urgent care center and hour later we come home with a walking boot (just sprained, thank heavens), a prescription for pain pills, and a pizza. We were hungry by that time, so took a detour on the way home. My parents brought the kids back (thanks for taking them for the fun doctors visit) and we watched "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation".

I guess no holiday weekend is complete without lots of food, family, and a trip to the emergency room, right?

Oh yeah, and I finished my book! Yes, I finally finished all 1,130 pages of the unabridged version of "The Count of Monte Cristo." It was awesome. I highly recommend this book. Now I get to move on...any great suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Michael pulled a Wendy. :) Ya'll should have hung around a few minutes more, by the time Braxton came in to tell me ya'll were here and I got outside, you were gone. Glad it was just a sprain! Glad you had a good birthday!

Anonymous said...

Now you can read TWILIGHT!! Join the club!!!!

Rach said...

I suggest . . . Anna Karenina. Just kidding. I read that one once, and it took me about 4 months. But, yes, read Twilight!

Anonymous said...

Twilight is all fine and good but I would suggest the His Dark Trilogy- the first book is the "Golden Compass". Eclipsed by Harry Potter, by far better and still going to be a movie...

Rach said...

By the way, Happy Birthday!
I also read the Golden Compass Series. I loved the first two books, and am still reading the third, and not loving it as much, but it's still good.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a good birthday/thanksgiving!! It was good to see y'all again. And WOW, I am SO proud of you for finishing the Count of Monte Cristo!! Sounds fabulous, I will read it sometime when I don't have lots of homework! Hehe, I love you!

P.S. I haven't read Twilight either...

Jessica said...

congratulations on finishing the count of monte cristo! mucho impressivo. hmm... i don't know twilight. i guess i'll have to check it out. the golden compass is good - but you've heard my opinion on that one.

poor michael! who's going to create the griswald christmas if he's hurt? good luck with that!

Ward Family News said...

Next book? The Poisonwood
Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I just finished it and am looking for commentary from others.

Ward Family News said...

That last comment was from me, but showed up as ward family news. Dad