Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Look what I did!

I got online, found a tutorial for photoshop use specifically for scrapbooking and made my first digital scrapbook pages! I am so proud of myself, I thought I would share it with all (3) of you who read my blog! Everything used for these two pages I downloaded for free on shabbyprincess.com. Take a look.

I have a ton of other things I've wanted to share (my high school 10 year reunion, my anniversary, etc.) but my pictures won't download to my computer. The program keeps quitting before the pictures are there, but I'll keep trying! What fun is a blog without a picture? Some are fun, but I'm not funny or interesting enough just to write and have you all keep coming back for more. That being said I'm off again! Maybe if I can get my pictures on, you'll see seven posts next time you visit me here!
Later! =)


Dearma said...

What a darling page! Pictures are great for bringing back such fond memories. I love your little family.

Anonymous said...

Way cute pages...maybe if I could do digital scrapbooking, i'd be more likely to get mine done. :P


Dearma said...

We need to go back to the cabin soon! Dearma