Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas and stuff

Well, since today is the 30th, I suppose I better write something about our Christmas. We had a great, fun and family (and a little stress) filled holiday. We spend Christmas Eve and Day with both our families. It means a lot of driving for us, but it's worth it. We went sledding on the 24th with Michael's family and have a great pictures of my cute little boys, which is great because Keagan cried almost the whole time we were there. Here it is:

Then we had a late lunch at his parents house of soups and breads and it was delicious. Then we went to my parents and had our traditional turkey dinner, complete with egg nog and toasting to the things we are grateful for, and of course the reading of the Polar Express.

The next morning we got up, opened our presents, got dressed and headed to my parents to open more presents there and have our breakfast of butterscotch rolls (mmmmm). My sister Jessica didn't get to come home from Bangladesh this year, but set up our webcams and she stayed up all night to watch us open our presents. We love technology. At about noon, we headed over to Michael's family for our other traditional meal of ham, roast and.....shrimp. Mmmmmm. The holidays are good to us. This year his parents gave all the grandkids BYU sweatshirts. Ron is a professor there and is retiring soon. They will have a party in the next couple months for him and take a family photo with all their grandkids wearing their sweatshirts. It will be adorable.

We usually hang out there for a couple hours, but we were beat. We loaded our super tired kids in the car and came home for some quiet time. But since they both fell asleep in the car, once we got home, Michael and I didn't get much R or R. The next day we left to go up to my parents cabin with my family (parents, sister-husband-son, sister). We had a great time. It snowed about 2 feet while we were there. We played a lot of games, did some cross-country skiing, ate, laughed and just relaxed. We had a great time together, as always. (I'll post more pictures of Christmas when they're downloaded. I had the one of sledding because it was emailed to me...thanks Christine!)

Now we're back, facing a dirty house and work this coming week. Welcome back to reality. We hope you enjoyed your trip.


Rach said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas! Lucky you, off of work for a whole week! Most normal people had to go back the day after.

Unknown said...

Rachel your kids are so cute! Sounds like Christmas was fun too.

Jessica said...

Cute photo - too bad Keagan didn't have much fun. Maybe next year. Now, back to reality. Ugh.

Dearma said...

Aren't pictures great! Sometimes you get lucky and they tell the story you want to be told. Who ever would have known that Keagan was not enjoying himself. Least of all me, because I carried him up the sledding hill at the cabin too many times to count!