Monday, December 15, 2008

Hungry, Hungry Hippo

When Michael got home from work tonight, Zander told him how hungry he was.  Michael commented that he was a hungry, hungry hippo.  To which Zander replied, "No, I think that's mom because she's fat like a hippo."  When they told me that later in the car, I laughed and just told Zander it was a good think he was only 5.

Oh, the honesty of children.
Gotta love 'em.   =)


Jessica said...

what a funny boy. tell him i love him.

Reynolds said...

That's okay, Isaac (2 1/2 yrs old) keeps calling me BIG momma (with a really interesting emphasis on BIG). I guess they call it like they see it.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I guess if you want the blatant truth about something, ask a kid.

Suzy Q said...

Aspen (6) sneakily asked me the other day if we were going to have any more brothers or sisters, I looked at her before answering to find her staring with that cheakey smile at my belly. "NO!" was all I said. But we did have a chat about telling people they're chubby.