Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back so soon?

Okay, now that it's not 11:00PM with an early morning awaiting me, I'll post a real message. So, I have a lot of friends and family with blogs, and since I have family both out of state and out of country, I thought it was about time to 'plug in' and stay connected. If you are wondering about my web address/log in name, it's the first two letters of everyone in my family. "Oh," you're thinking, "how clever!" I like to think so.
As for my header and title, as it says in my profile, I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter, employee, friend and many others. I'm in the primary presidency in my church, I work part-time, am home with my two boys the other most of the time, and am currently applying for graduate school. Yes, I want it all.


Marielle said...

You are so clever! I am so glad you have a blog. I hope you get addicted like I was (and hopefully will be again). Yeah! We should all have blogs.

Rach said...

Dang it, I wanted to be the first one to comment on your site. Well, anyway, it's good to have you "plugged in" to the blogging community.

Melissa E Photography said...

YAY!! I'm so glad you decided to jump on this bloggin' band wagon. And your layout looks cute!

Melissa E Photography said...

WOAH!!! Jinx Rach. We posted at the exact same time!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are blogging it will help me a lot. I hope that the rest of your family will do this. I think it is a good way to stay in touch with a family that is all over the place. You should put links on yours. You have cousins that you could link too. Thanks for the information that you sent me. I really appreciate it. Love, Karen