Monday, February 16, 2009

Back in the saddle

I've been asked by a few people if I'm back at school. Unfortunately, that came much quicker than I wanted it to. Sadie was born the Thursday the 15th, and I was back in class Monday the 26th, part time and back full time by Thursday of that same week. It's just too hard to try and make up all the time I was missing. The lectures were being recorded, but try finding time to listen to 6 hours of lecture from one day missed. Not easy. And sitting in class wasn't too hard on me. It also helped that the first few days I went back were short days. I've been lucky this semester that we haven't had hardly any days that go until 5. I'm usually home by 3:30, in time to feed Sadie in the afternoon. That has been nice. I hate to leave her, but our new nanny, Natalie, is fantastic. That makes it a little easier. I still haven't found much time to study, and am tired from not sleeping more than 5 hours at a time, and sometimes in a night, but overall things are going well.

A week after Sadie was born, we had our "White Coat Ceremony" (what the picture is from-my small group with our advisor) to officially give us our white coats so we can start "Friday Clinic". It's kind of a preview to our rotations, just to get our feet wet, so to speak. Every Friday, I am with my preceptor, who works at Foothill Family Clinic. The first couple weeks I just basically shadowed her and we talked about the cases. This next week, I'm going to start taking some histories and doing some of the exams on the patients. It's been fun. I love being in the clinic again, and not just in the classroom. My preceptor is really great, too, so we have a good time.
That's my update for now!


Reynolds said...

You go girl!! I am amazed at you. BTW, I think Sadie looks a lot like Mike.

ameliaharris99 said...

You are amazing! By the way you wear your white coat very nicely! ;) You look great for just having a baby! :)

Jessica said...

Go Rachel! You rock. What an amazing example of womanhood.

Call Family said...

I know how hard that is. After D I went back to school 8-5 m-f the next week. It's brutal. I feel for ya. Keep up the good work Rach!

thebellcrew said...

Wow! Rachel you are amazing woman. I miss you lady, we never get to hang in relief society anymore. You need to come into primary and chat sometime!