Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm baaack!

Yes, I'm alive and well.  I just finished my second day of school in the PA program.  It was two days of orientation basically, so not a lot to report.  Tomorrow we start into our 2 1/2 week screaming fast course of biochemistry.  I've read my reading assignments up to this point, and so far it doesn't seem too bad.  ALL the staff keep telling us how excited they are to have us there and to have a new class starting and to see us succeed.  It's pretty nice.  

So, the full time hours don't bother me.  I've worked full time (although not in about 2 1/2 years) before, so that's not bad, but SITTING ALL DAY LONG is a little wearing.  My job was very on the go.  I probably never sat for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.  Now I'm in a chair from 8-5, with a few breaks in between.  I find myself very tired in the afternoon and remembering that's what happens when you're not moving (or standing in surgery) all day.  I miss my job and my friends there, but am making new friends at school.  They keep telling us how we're building friendships that will last a life time right now, so play nice!  Yes, they actually said that to us. 
We finally did get a nanny hired, and it's a girl I worked with at Huntsman.  Her mom was an MA with me and she worked in the file room.  She has a 6 week old baby and brings him to the house.  So far, it's been great.  I know her and trust her and the boys seem to like her.  The first day (yesterday) Keagan had a fever.  She made an appointment and took him to our doctor (PA actually =)) and he had strep.  I had strep last week, so not a big surprise.  So then today seemed pretty uneventful for her. I decided the first day should always be hard, because the rest seems like a breeze, right?!

All is well in the Gonzales household.  Except the part where we got robbed last week.  Someone came into the house, through the back sliding door which I didn't lock for the first time ever, when I took Zander to preschool.  FIFTEEN minutes later my husband came home for lunch and the TV wasn't mounted on the wall.  Our comforter was missing (which we later found on the side of the house????) and his wedding ring and my iPod are gone.  Oh, and they emptied our cup of change. Lame!  Then they unlocked the front door and walked right out.  WITH A 42" TV IN THEIR HANDS!  We're a little unnerved and are getting a security system for the house.  With the hubby traveling for work occasionally, we're not taking any chances.  The good news is we have insurance, so with the price of the deductible, all our things will be replaced.

Okay, besides that, all is well.  Our family is doing good, Michael's job is going well, I'm right where I should be, and the kids are happy.  We truly are blessed.


Em said...

No way. How did no one notice a man carrying a huge TV out the front door? That is crazy and so scary!

Melissa E Photography said...

Whoops! Rach, I was helping my sis with her blog and was logged into her account. "Em" was really me. HAHA!

Rach said...

I can't believe you got robbed! I'm so sorry! I'm glad that everything was replaced, though.

Unknown said...

I hear ya about the sitting from 8-5. It is crappy to sit all day. And that is crazy about being robbed....makes me all nervous.

thebellcrew said...

I heard about the robbing. Way scary since we never lock our back door--I do now though. Let me know if you need any help with anything.

Jessica said...

Hey, outside of getting robbed, you really are blessed. And frankly, the robbery could have been so much worse. I'm glad you are getting an alarm, though. Be safe!