Monday, June 1, 2009

Go me!

If you will refer to the graph on the left hand side of this page, you will see that I have been losing some weight.  Most of it was fairly easy, I had a baby and since then lost most of the baby weight.  I was, however, still 5-6 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight.  Last week it came to my attention that I may be able to accompany my husband to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he is going in August for a conference.  The hotel is right by the beach.  Now, I was sitting at 124 for a good 2 months, which is the few pounds higher than before Sadie.  Seeing as how I am barely 5' tall (on a good day) that means I still have a few pounds to lose before I am beach ready.  So two weeks ago Michael and I started doing the South Beach diet.  I love this diet, as much as you can love any diet.  It works very well for me.  I've done it before.  It's very healthy and isn't so much a diet as a change in eating habits, if you do it right.  So far, I've lost 6 pounds.  I'm aiming for 6-10 more which would put me down to about 110-113 which is about where I was before I had kids.  How great would that be!  Even if my body will never be the same (until I have plastic surgery to fix it, that is) my weight might be if I stay dedicated enough.  The though of a bikini and me and Michael is Brazil may be just the inspiration I need.  Wish me continued luck!!


Becca Curzon said...

Way to go Rachel! Good Luck. That will be fun to go on a vacation to the beach. You'll look fabulous!

sweetlissybug said...

Ah, to be 124 pounds again. Keep it up. You're doing great! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Kudos to you on losing your baby weight. Makua will be 2 in the fall and I weigh more now than I did after he was born. :P

Marielle said...

Go you! Glad that is working out. Thanks to a very thirsty baby I am down to...I don't know the last time I was at this weight... Maybe right before my mission. Anyway, I hope I can keep it up when he's done nursing. But even being down to this weight I still have a baby belly. Blast these big babies in my small body!

Jody said...

That is awesome!!! Way to go!

Jessica said...

You're awesome! Way to go. You'll be the hottest thing on the beach~